Monday, July 7, 2008

today is the first day for school, hrmm so hardworking doing my work & i noe how to do so smart(: Ain, manuela,rine we all take lots for photo hrmm.. Ain ask me wat kind for girl i like and i answer like my ex only, hrmm and they ask me how she save ur life and o told them they was touch.take bus ahead to cp wit manuela talk about world tis world is ending soon. actually i think maybe it true.

afternoon went home have a sleep after than mit my stupid jie & her frend, hahas sorry to disturb u and run after me. and ur leg nw hurt le. but not my fault anyway .LOL

haiya sad sad waited for her for so long but end out
i just realise i'm so stupid and just like a fool, love her so much she nv noe and nv care
cor her and worry about but yet i saw her laughing happily wit both boy,
god thank to u!! god i promise u wat i won't break it i promise if she have a new boy i will just up on her, just dunnoe wat to do, i love her so much but at the same time i can't bear to let her go
in msn i chat wit her i sad i will just let the love fade away bt will i i will nv, it hard so hard i cry all night but she dun seen to noe but nw i see her happy i will be happy to every if i'm not i will show a happy face to her
since the day i change she nv every noe til nw she will nv noe.
i will just get her accuse and word tat is nt true.
i just hope u will treasure ur new relationship well til the day the world end and til the day ur life end.take care

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